When it comes time to upgrade your cooling system, you have a couple of options. You can purchase another central air conditioning unit, or you can switch to a heat pump. If you’re not sure which system is the best choice for you, we’re going to share some great benefits of switching from a central AC system to a new heat pump for your home.

Dual-Purpose System

One of the biggest benefits of upgrading to a heat pump is that it offers year-round comfort. You can enjoy refreshing air conditioning in the summer and comforting warmth in the winter. Its internal refrigerant works just like any other air conditioning system, absorbing heat from indoors and sending it outdoors.

However, thanks to its reversing valve, this dual-purpose system can be easily controlled to meet all your temperature demands. In winter, the reversing valve will cause the refrigerant to flow in the opposite direction. It will absorb heat from the air outdoors and transport it into your home. While there are heat pumps that extract heat from the ground, they’re not as readily available for all homes.

Tax Incentives

The federal government is constantly rewarding homeowners who opt to invest in energy-efficient systems for their homes. A heat pump is one system that qualifies you for tax incentives on the federal level. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, you can get 30% of the cost of your new heat pump back, up to $2,000. You may find that you qualify for state and local tax rebates as well. It’s best to check with your local HVAC technician to learn about any tax rebates that come along with your new heat pump.

Available With Ductless Models

The beauty of heat pumps is that they can be used with ductless mini-split units. These units can be installed in all the main rooms of your home and allow for zoned heating and air conditioning control. Each unit will have its own remote that controls that unit independently from the others in your home.

What’s more, you can install these appliances on your walls, floors, or ceilings. Mini-split units come in a variety of colors as well to coordinate with your decor. With a traditional central air conditioning system, you must use wall vents to deliver your treated air.

Cleaner Indoor Air

When you opt for a ductless heat pump, you can enjoy better indoor air quality than with a ducted system. This is because ductwork can trap unwanted airborne particles, like dust and pet dander, that can recirculate throughout your indoor air. With a ductless mini-split unit, all air is forced directly through the unit’s filter and right back into the room. There’s nowhere for debris to get trapped other than the filter.

Eco-Friendly Option

One of the biggest drawbacks of traditional heating systems is that most of them burn fossil fuels to create heat. This can leave behind a nasty carbon footprint for each house that uses one. When you upgrade to a heat pump, you’ll rely solely on electricity. This can give you peace of mind, knowing that you’re doing your part to invest in a more eco-friendly world.

Quiet Operation

One of the drawbacks of a central air conditioning system is that ductwork can make a very loud whooshing noise when it’s running. This is simply the vibration of the blower fan echoing down the ducting. When you opt for a ductless heat pump, you can enjoy whisper-quiet operation from each mini-split unit. The noise created by a ductless system is at the outdoor condenser unit, which is still fairly quiet during operation.

Enhanced Comfort

With traditional central air cooling systems, you’ll get temperature inconsistencies due to the way that they operate. These systems kick on and cool your home to your set temperature. Then, they turn off, and it gets hot again. With ductless mini-split heat pumps, the room temperature is more consistent. This is because these appliances adjust their cooling or heating output to the needs of the room where they’re located. Your unit will slow its output as it approaches your desired temperature and then run to maintain it. There are fewer fluctuations, so you’ll be more comfortable.

Easy Installation

If your ductwork is nearing the end of its lifespan, it can be quite costly to have it replaced. This would involve opening up walls and floors to expose the existing ducting. This process is not only labor intensive but also quite costly. When you switch to a heat pump, you can opt for a using ductless models. These offer easy and non-invasive installation. These units require a small hole to connect each indoor mini-split unit to the main outdoor condenser unit.

Reduced Heating Costs

While the efficiency of a heat pump’s cooling function is similar to that of a central air conditioning system in the summer, the winter is a whole other story. The beauty of a heat pump is that it only transfers heat from one location to another instead of creating it through the process of combustion. This transfer makes a heat pump more energy efficient than other types of heating systems on the market today, such as furnaces or boilers. This efficiency is a benefit of heat pumps in mild climates like that of San Marcos, CA, which don’t regularly experience temperatures below freezing.

Similar Lifespans and Maintenance Requirements

Most central air conditioning systems and heat pumps have an estimated lifespan of around 15 years, and they both require maintenance by an HVAC professional. A central air conditioning system needs maintenance once a year, alongside another maintenance appointment for your heating system. A heat pump needs professional servicing twice a year. Both need to have their filters replaced or cleaned regularly to ensure adequate operation.

New System Warranty

When you decide to invest in a brand-new heat pump, you get to enjoy having a new warranty for your heating and cooling unit. Most heat pumps come with a manufacturer’s warranty of up to 10 years. This can provide you with financial peace of mind that major problems will be covered, so you don’t have to pay out of pocket for them.

Decreased Risk of a Breakdown

One other benefit that we simply can’t overlook is that a new heat pump will be must less likely to break down than your older central air conditioning system. This fact can provide you with peace of mind about the operation of your new HVAC system for the years ahead. No one likes worrying about the next time their cooling system is going to break down on a scorching hot summer day.

Reliable Heat Pump Service

Our HVAC team offers reliable heat pump service for San Marcos and the surrounding areas. We can also assist with all your heating, cooling, smart thermostat, ductless mini-split, and indoor air quality needs.

Contact Oak Island Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule your service appointment!

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