You go home, turn up the thermostat and wait for the heat pump to kick in. You notice that it doesn’t seem as warm as usual at your favorite temperature setting. If your unit fails to start, constantly turns off and on, or starts making a lot of noise, it may be time for heat pump repair in Carlsbad, CA.
At Oak Island Heating and Air Conditioning, we’ve served local residents since 1998 and some of our experienced technicians have been in the industry much longer. So, instead of worrying about what to do, call us to come out and provide a comprehensive estimate and evaluation of your system. This will give you the information you need to make an informed decision. In many cases, we can perform the necessary heat pump repairs. However, if your unit is more than 15 years old, we may recommend a new heat pump replacement. You can count on us for an honest recommendation, and we offer financing for qualified customers.